Classics In Time Stores

Located in the Old Mill Antique Mall in Historic Mullica Hill, NJ. & The Old Mill Antique Store in Strasburg, PA.
Also on-line at 2 Etsy stores where you can purchase beautifully restored vintage Razors, Telephones, Typewriters, Fans and other Classic Antiques:

Gillette Bostonian Razor

This Gillette Bostonian Razor is from the 1930's. It has a gold plating with an open tooth, 3-piece design.


  1. This is not a Bostonian. It is a Comman Bar Open Comb razor and is not all that rare. The case does not belong to this razor.Please do some research before you post your Ad. Sorry, Just trying to clear up.

  2. It is a Gillette New Bostonian. The only way in which they differed from other News was the fact that they came in a different case, in the same way that the Bostonian New Standard, which preceded it, was just a New Standard in a different case. It's you that needs to do your research I'm afraid.
